Monday, April 21, 2008

God’s Existence

Square 1 is God’s Existence. If God exists, argument of creation and evolution, the big bang theory, Heaven and Hell, Angels and Demons, Life after Death and every argument unsolved will have an end.
If you would ask me who is my creator, the most practical and don’t think its philosophical answer is, my parents. And if you would ask my parents, they would probably say the same, and if you would ask me who created my parent’s parents, I might say “Ask them.” But thinking who created the first parents disregarding what the elders told us since they were not proven true, leads us back to square one, the argument of God’s Existence.
The theory of God’s existence is simple. A civilized man with the help of modern technology, brought to a primitive land can be mistakenly regarded as god by the primitive people. Applying the concept of similar triangles, the account of God’s existence that we knew today could be some work of an advance civilization and technology during that time.
The argument is not settled until now. God’s existence could not be proved and disproved if they keep on arguing what they believe as true and what their teachers told them. This argument could have settled a lot of dispute about faith.
I wish to write a book regarding all of this. And to conclude it in my life after death, if there is. I wish I could go back on my pen and paper and write the truth about God’s existence.
In my second life, I will talk to God if He really exists, the truth about everything, every argument unsettled. And I will ask Him to let me go back in my first life and let me conclude this book that will prove His existence. After all, if this book remains unfinished, there will be just two things to think about; God exists but he did not let me tell you the truth and finish the book, or God doesn’t really exists at all.

featured image courtesy of fellow deviant Jim "Meats" Meier


Sandra said...

Or.....God exists but it is up to each individual to discover that for themself. Peace

GoingStraight said...

I'm working on a project now I call "Project Eternity" and I am planning to make a website solely dedicated for this. Project Eternity is about the visions of things to come revealed to a privileged soul by God. The main objective is to convince men of the existence of the afterlife - Judgment, Purgatory, Hell, and Heaven. I have read the book many times and I deem it worthy of reading by anyone searching for truth. Everything that is revealed in the vision is in conformity with the teachings of the Bible and the Church. I hope that by reading this you will get convinced.

Brian the Dreamer said...

Be sure it is about the truth and not another faith. Truth is a proven truth and therefore incontestable or unquestionable, while faith is 'what we believe' as the truth. If someone is claiming for another truth besides it, then it is not the truth. If our God says, He is the way but other religions have their own 'way', then we can't be sure our 'way' is the right way. The church taught us to resist other teachings and to fear God. Let us not be blinded by faith. Let be the truth prevails and not faith. In truth we are one, not divided. Just think about this.

Travis Morgan said...

and you are back to square one.