photo courtesy of deviant BaaltheLordofTerror
I once suggested that I think it would be better if all the citizen will have a chance to win in the lottery even if they don't put a bet on it. In that way it will be real CHARITY work and not GAMBLING.
But they laughed about it. They said I'm dreaming for the impossible. I was challenged but admitted that it is not in my power to realize it so I end up writing this letter.
The poor do not need millions. A thousand or even a hundred given to them FREE will do, and they will thank you with all their heart like they never did before. What is a thousand compared to millions earned by the lottery everyday? I do not ask to replace the lottery system with this one, but to create a part of it, where every poor citizen has the chance to win in exchange for NOTHING but for being a citizen. In this way their little money allotted for food and medicine will not be misused to buy a lottery ticket.
Besides, this could also be used as a consolation to implement voluntarily a national ID system.
I may be dreaming the Impossible but I believe, the Impossible just takes more time. And I will wait till the right leader of the country can make this change and be able to realize the impossible.
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